For the first time, IB&T Software GmbH will be at the BAU ONLINE 2021 from 13-15th January. We’re inviting you with a free ticket to find out more…
INTERGEO DIGITAL: IB&T has mastered its first virtual trade fair: with nine presentations and many consultations, a highly successful mix of…
IB&T is very happy with its new cooperation agreement: after working together for many years, Schüßler-Plan GmbH and IB&T Software GmbH have now…
The world's leading Expo and conference platform for geoinformation, geodata and future-oriented applications will take place from 13.-15. October…
150 employees of a company which focuses on infrastructure construction will be trained in the DESITE BIM md software over the next few months.
The sales representative Petra Fleischmann is the new head of the Stuttgart office.