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DESITE BIM md put through its paces

150 employees of a company which focuses on infrastructure construction will be trained in the DESITE BIM md software over the next few months.

The BIM Competence Center is delighted with this task. The plan is to offer employees on-site training at four locations in Germany combined with online classes.

With its years of internal training courses, our client has already laid the foundations for BIM and digitization, and is now introducing a Common Data Environment (CDE) in which DESITE BIM md is used as a testing tool. The course will provide employees with basic knowledge in DESITE md and introduce them to its diverse features. The curriculum will cover the first steps with the product, the creation of coordination models, information queries and model analysis, conflict detection, the basics of quantity calculation, 4D simulation and much more. Many practical examples will naturally be given along the way. We are currently fine-tuning the course.

IB&T is thinkproject’s new DESITE BIM solutions reseller. In order to further promote BIM-compliant planning and working with the software solutions in civil engineering, IB&T offers basic training and courses as well as consulting and project support for companies, public authorities or educational institutions which want support for BIM entry. IB&T presented its new DESITE BIM Competence Center for the first time at the digitalBAU trade fair in February. We would be happy to advise you. Simply contact us by email.

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