Re-routing the B36
Because of the high traffic load and the situation within the town it became necessary to relieve the municipalities Durmersheim and Bietigheim by building a bypass.

The new B36 bypass was planned and realized as a joint-route along with the extension/new route of the Deutschen Bahn AG (German Federal Railways). The inevitable environmental damage could therefore be reduced in comparison with independent routes.
One of the many strengths of card_1 is to integrate multiple planning areas. In the case of the joint-route planning where the dependencies between the new routes of the railway and the new national road had to be continuously checked, the system-wide data model clearly shows its advantage. This also applies to the drainage planning which is completely integrated into the project data.
Project facts:
- Construction length of the continuous route: 9.7 km
- Construction length of the crossing roads: 8 km Intersection points: 6 single level accesses to the crossing roads
- Drainage system based on 5 seepage basins plus purification basins for rainwater with oil retention
- Services: among others, design planning and execution planning of the traffic facilities; volumetric calculations

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