Digital Project Approval Procedure in Karlsruhe
The Karlsruher Schieneninfrastruktur-Gesellschaft mbh (KASIG/Rail Infrastructure Company in Karlsruhe) plans to build a local railway tunnel and to redesign a street with an above-ground tram line route in Karlsruhe's inner city. Turning this so-called combination solution into reality is the leading town planning project for the city of Karlsruhe. For the first time, the company KASIG used the digital presentation solution card_1 eView for the project approval procedure.

Transparent, environmentally friendly and cost effective
The company fpi fuchs Ingenieure GmbH, with years of project experience, was contracted to execute the project. They produced a project CD containing all documents required for the procedure using their proven eVIT technology – an integrative platform to exchange data, also known as the licensed product card_1 eView: CAD plans with corresponding information from reports, expert opinions and tables, all compiled in a homogenous project and thematically linked.
The advantages of the eView presentation quickly become apparent when dealing with comprehensive landscape conservation support plans in combination with environmental impact studies. As the project CD was sent to all project participants by the hearing authority, all users had access to all components of the design.
During the public hearing, the hearing authority could easily and clearly illustrate the design on a large screen. It was very easy to navigate between the bi-directionally linked land register tables and the land register plans. Any questions about the design could easily be answered using the integrated full text search features.
Bottom Line
Involving the public bodies by using the project CD was noticeably more cost effective in comparison to the old method of copying numerous files. The clear structure of the documentation as a thematic compilation made it very easy for everyone to familiarize themselves with the design. Without any further costs, the CD could also be used when presenting the project. A very good synergy effect.
Project facts:
- Digital project approval procedure in Karlsruhe for the design of a local railway tunnel & for the redesign of a street with an above-ground tram line route
- Construction to start end of 2007 / beginning of 2008
- Planned commissioning 2015
fpi fuchs Ingenieure GmbH
Aachener Straße 583
50226 Königs-Frechendorf
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