The installation program (setup program) is the central program with which the card_1 system of version 10.0 is installed onto your workstations. Both the first-time installation as well as the follow-up installation are performed by running the installation program.
Before You Install
Please carefully read the following instructions before starting the installation of card_1 version 10.0.
- System Requirements: Please check the minimum system requirements before installing card_1 Version 10.0.
Administrationsrechte: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Administrationsrechte auf dem zu installierenden card_1 Arbeitsplatz besitzen.
Auch wenn Sie als Administrator angemeldet sind, erhalten Sie zunächst nur Benutzerrechte. Bei der Installation von Anwendungen muss daher die Option 'Als Administrator ausführen' verwendet werden. Bitte führen Sie Installationen also nicht durch Doppelklick, sondern per Rechtsklick und der Option 'Als Administrator ausführen' aus. Anderenfalls werden notwendige Installationsschritte nicht ordnungsgemäß ausgeführt.
- Project Backup: We recommend that you save your project data before the installation of version 10.0.
- Parallel Installation: The installation process of version 10.0 will run in parallel to a possibly existing card_1 version 9.1. Both card_1 versions may work in parallel. However, please note that project data of version 10.0 are not backward compatible and can therefore no longer be edited using version 9.1.
Project Conversion: Please note that your project data in card_1 version 10.0 can only be converted for projects from data version Older projects (not older than version 7.7) must therefore be previously converted using card_1 version 8.4. Standalone converters are available for projects that are even older than version 7.7.
Our recommendation: Please bring any older projects to data version 8.4.x.x using card_1 version 8.4, at the latest before permanently uninstalling card_1 8.4. Otherwise, keep version 8.4 working on at least one of your workstations for subsequent conversion. This also requires Firebird version 2.5 to be installed.
Please also note that projects that have been converted for card_1 version 10.0 can no longer be edited using older card_1 versions (no backward compatibility).
- Project Compilation Folder: It may happen that your virus scanner incorrectly identifies card_1 project data as harmful (so-called 'false positives') and thus blocks the writing of data on the hard disk. In order to avoid subsequent problems during project editing we recommend to exclude the card_1 project areas from the virus scanner.
- Licence Server: If you are using an existing licence server in card_1 version 10.0, you must update (exchange) the file CARDONE.EXE. Click here to find information on the installation/use of your card_1 system using a company-owned licence server.
- Internet-Lizenzserver: Zur Nutzung Ihres card_1 Systems unter Verwendung des Internet-Lizenzservers von IB&T benötigen Sie eine permanente Internet-Verbindung. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Ports, die zur Kommunikation mit dem Internet-Lizenzserver benötigt werden, nicht gesperrt sein dürfen. Überprüfen Sie ggf. Ihre Firewall-Einstellungen. Ihre Lizenznummer (die letzten beiden Ziffern der card_1 Arbeitsplatznummer) entnehmen Sie bitte dem Lieferschein.
Installation Types
Before you start a first-time installation, you should decide on the installation type. card_1 can be run as a single workstation installation as well as a network solution in several variants.
Overview of the Installation Components
- Project compilation folder: management folder for the card_1 projects.
- Firebird-Datenbankserver : Firebird-Datenbanksystem zur Verwaltung der card_1 Projektdaten.
- Program folder: folder containing the card_1 program components.
Installation Types
These are the standard installation types:
Single Workstation Installation: You wish to access a card_1 project compilation folder from one workstation only. This folder is located on the workstation’s local hard drive.
- Netzwerk-Installation: Sie möchten von einem Arbeitsplatzrechner aus auf einen card_1 Projektsammelordner zugreifen, der nicht auf der lokalen Festplatte des Arbeitsplatzrechners, sondern auf einem Netzwerkserver verwaltet wird. Dies gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, auch von anderen Arbeitsplatzrechnern aus, auf denen card_1 genutzt wird, auf diesen card_1 Projektsammelordner zuzugreifen.
It makes no difference whether the card_1 program folder is installed on the local hard drive or within the network.
The installation program also supports other installation types. In this case the terms 'Single Workstation Installation' and 'Network Installation' are used figuratively.
Installation Type 'Single Workstation Installation'
When installing the installation type 'Single Workstation Installation' the project compilation folder and the Firebird database server are installed on the local hard drive of the workstation.
If you wish to manage the card_1 program folder on the local hard drive of the workstation you need to run a 'Single Workstation Installation' on this workstation. If you choose to manage these folders on a network drive, e.g. when accessing them from multiple workstations, you need to run a 'Client Installation' for each workstation.
Installation Type 'Server Installation'
When installing the installation type 'Server Installation' the project compilation folder and the Firebird database server are installed within a network.
Bei einer Netzwerk-Installation führen Sie zunächst einmalig eine 'Server-Installation' auf dem Netzwerkserver durch. Danach führen Sie für jeden Arbeitsplatzrechner eine 'Client-Installation' durch.
Installation Modes
First-time Installation |
If Version 10.0 of the card_1 system does not yet exist on your workstation, you have to run a first-time installation. |
Licence Update |
When running a licence update the licence information will be updated only. Any other components of the card_1 system are not installed. This method requires that the most recent system components have been installed. |
Follow-up Installation |
Running a follow-up installation will reinstall the complete card_1 system components. card_1 system components which have been deleted by mistake can thus be restored. If available run a card_1 Freshup afterwards. |
Updating (Freshup) |
Freshups are used to update the card_1 system. You cannot use a Freshup to install the card_1 system. Updating the card_1 system via Freshup requires a 'base version' to be installed. The base version is the minimum version which must be installed to successfully run the card_1 Freshup. A warning message is displayed should the minimum version not be installed. |
Installing Additional Project Compilation Folders |
You can install additional Version 10.0 project compilation folders as part of this installation mode. This installation mode requires a correctly installed Version 10.0 of the card_1 system on your workstation. You can choose whether you wish to install the central project CARD shipped by IB&T or any other central project CARD of an already existing project compilation folder when installing a new project compilation folder. You can adopt any exported project CARD with the card_1 data version or higher. The project name and the name of the project folder must be 'CARD'. |
Additional Installations
You can install this software independently of the regular card_1 installation. Please select 'Further Installations' from the main menu of the installation program.
Firebird: Firebird database system to manage the card_1 project data (see Installing/Checking Firebird).
NOTE To run card_1 Version 10.0 a database system is required.
FastReport: Software to generate reports.
NOTE You have to activate the UAC (User Access Control) to be able to use the report generator.
- card_1 Backup: Software to make backup copies of a card_1 project compilation folder (see Installing card_1 Backup).
- 64 Bit ODBC Driver: 64-bit driver for MS Office to access databases from CardScript via ODBC (e. g. Excel and Access). Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine Installation des 64 Bit Microsoft Office-Pakets.