… a future-proof application for surveying, designing and building traffic routes.
In June 2023, IB&T founder and shareholder Harry Basedow withdrew from day-to-day operations as managing director…
IB&T Software GmbH will be an exhibitor at various trade fairs this autumn. The software house from Norderstedt, is set to present its new design system based on the smart infra-modeling technology
Enjoy the largest geo community gathering in the German capital Berlin and look forward to three exciting days of making contacts and chatting to the experts at the EXPO, the CONFERENCE and on the
… Die Bauindustrie in anspruchsvollen Zeiten: Geopolitik, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, Februar 2023 4 BauInfoConsult, BIM-Monitor 2022: Trends und Entwicklung, November 2022 A stack of point solutions…
Today's planning processes demand a clear communication of the final designs to the public – especially when highly complex structures are involved, such as expanding the capacity and covering the